Through Algonquin to Petawawa

Me and Dani (or is it Dani and I.. I no longer care that much about grammer ;) ) took a nice little drive up to Petawawa to see our friends and our niece Annabella.
I've never drove through Northern Ontario, I must say, it was a beautiful drive. When I get the chance I'd like to spend some more time up North. Every 5 minutes there's a nice landscape picteresque lake/hills/forest view ;) Took a little bit of detour to drive through the southern part of Algonquin park on Highway 60 past the Muskoka region.
The trees themselves were very colorful, as it is Fall afterall now ;)
The Petawawa region was nice.. our friend's place had a 5 minute walk to a nice section of the Ottawa river.
Hell, I'd love to have a place up their, if I can find some work up there. Air is much cleaner :)
It's horrible really.. I call myself Canadian, and yet have seen so little of the country. I'd definately love to take a road trip to BC someday (not just for their world renowned herbs ;)) I've never been to Florida either , love to drive through the mountains to Disney World. I'm still jealous that I'm the only one in my household who's never been ;)

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