Perspectives on music piracy, "Canada Gives Safe Harbor to Music Pirates"
Canada has the highest "illegal" download rate per capita (the record execs are too slow to understand this word) in the world.
I say go Canada,!
Canada's plan makes sense really, and if you think of it, is what has been applied to older technology. You can tape and movie or show, and this cost is recouped by tariffs on the blank casettes. Downloading is no different.
Hell, we should make Microsoft software illegal, seeing as MS is in bed with the RIAA and other DRM fanatics. ;)
" Nobody addresses the fact that no artist NOT ONE ARTIST RECIEVES MONEY FROM INTERNET MUSIC STORES.
No From Itunes, not from any competitor.
All this money goes into record exec pockets.
Exceptions to the sentence above are the very very few richest of the rich artists who actually own their own record label, which is virtually nobody... and artists who do not perform live, who is again virtually nobody.
More common are the little guys like Nickelback who nobody knows or cares about until their music is circulated across P2P and their popularity explodes.
Recording Companies are obsolete. Plain and Simple.
Their job has been to facilitate music creation for artists and deliver it to consumers. Computers have replaced them for creation, and the internet has replaced them for delivery.
All they did was use their position to force artists over the years to give up the rights of their works in exchange for their vital service. Now their service isnt vital.
They're just trying to hold on to the money. Ripping it from the piggy banks of little kids seems ok to them."
"The RIAA and CRIA are desperately trying to paint file sharers in Canada with the same brush they did in the US... as criminals ("pirates"). But it simply isn't so. Its LEGAL. Its PAID FOR. And the recording industry gets paid (although, surprise, they have been very slow to pass those payments on to the artists).
Is Canada's solution the best solution? Probably not. Is it better than the utterly inept business-centric DMCA-crippled solution in the USA? Absolutely. It is idiotic for record labels to be suing their customers, price fixing their product, loading their product with virus-ladden and exploit producing DRM, and then asking people to go out and buy their products. I'm surprised they sell anything at all.
Everyone is trying to find their way through this new digital world, and the record companies either will or they won't. If they don't, you can be damn sure that a group of people that do "get it" will be there to fill the void, and thus replace any lost jobs. The mantras of capitalism are "Evolve or die" and "only the strong survive", not "Steadfastly refuse to change and sue anybody that attempts to change without you". The record labels would be wise to figure that out before they lose it all."